Flagstone Dragon Tree Cape Blend - 2021
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Cape Coast
Cape Blend
Tasting Notes
At Flagstone we aim to make wine that respects our 350 year old
winemaking heritage, while always celebrating the magnificence of nature.
We want to make gorgeous wines that stimulate your brain as much as they
please your taste buds.
The wine takes its name from a Dragon Tree (Genus: Dracaena) given to the
Port Captain of Cape Town, by a passing ship's captain over a century ago.
He planted it in the Waterfront, where it lived to be a 150 years old. As
legend had it, when dragons were mortally wounded, they would fly out to
sea to die. Only where the dragon’s blood spilt, would a Dragon Tree then
This wine is proudly vegan. We use zero animal products in its production;
electing plant-derived proteins instead. Interestingly, it maintains its status
without compromising character and because of this, it’s enhanced by the
vegan-friendly process.
Full Tasting Notes