Flagstone Truth Tree Pinotage 2021
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Coastal Region
Tasting Notes
At Flagstone we aim to make wine that respects our 350 year old winemaking
heritage, while always celebrating the magnificence of nature. We want to make
gorgeous wines that stimulate your brain as much as they please your taste
The Truth Tree is the translation of the common name in isiXhosa for an
Erythrina or Coral Tree. These are indigenous to the Eastern Cape, although they
are part of the pea family and related species are distributed worldwide in
tropical and sub-tropical areas. Distinctive bright red flowers appear in winter
and the tree is quite breathtakingly beautiful.
It is said that the Xhosa believe that if you tell a lie in the shade of a Truth Tree,
terrible things will befall you. As a result, important village council meetings,
especially around critical issues and disputes, etc. would always be held in the
shade of the Truth Tree.
This wine is proudly vegan. We use zero animal products in its production;
electing plant-derived proteins instead. Interestingly, it maintains its status
without compromising character and because of this, it’s enhanced by the veganfriendly
Full Tasting Notes